Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well it's official.

This week my oldest son and I received our ADHD prescriptions. Seems an odd thing to share. At least Cindi is vindicated as the only "normal" one in the house!

The first day was pretty good. He did markedly better at school-------in the morning. The Crash came at lunch. Today was not as good.

I'll post about our ADHD journey from time to time.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A new challenge

Something new happening. We are dealing with the challenges of growth. Currently we have 23 kids on Sunday morning, up 20 from last year. My little church is finding itself challenged to find room for them.

What a good problem to have!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A reasonably good day

While evaluations and other forms of feedback invariably raise my anxiety level to dangerous levels I still had a good day----mostly. Once I got the dangerous thoughts out of my head, at least they stopped dominating my thoughts.

Truth is, I should be doing something else. But at 56 with large bills and no savings I'm likely stuck. Plus with the lingering depression, even though I'm much better, I feel like damaged goods.

Still today wasn't bad.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Changing my mind.

Some time back I considered "coming out of the closet" by using my name instead of a pseudonym. Nothing came of it because depression came roaring back (can depression roar). I wasn't good for much for several months. Now with the depression largely controlled I've decided I need to maintain plausible deniability (assuming actual anonymity is impossible). Events have lead me to realize I have more MAJOR issues. While a blog is a poor substitue for a close friend or even a counselor it is a way to get my thoughts "on paper" and out in the open.

So for the forseeable future, I'm still the WanderingCleric.