Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Rhetorical question

What is it with partisan politicans and radio lackeys in this country? Shortly after the election I refered to Democrats AND Republicans as "Pharisees and Saducees" both claim moral (and occasionaly) religious high ground and both are more interested in political and economic power.

The longer I listen the more correct that assesment feels.

Monday, March 07, 2005

back in the saddle

Well I'm back in the webmaster saddle. I hadn't planned to do it but when the DS asks you to (and you secretly wanted to anyway) I just had to go for it.

I'll be working on the Northeast Nebraska district's website. It's a mess right now so give me a few days or a week. The link is

G'night all.

edit: How interesting Blogger is not showing the link. Here it is in plain text: http://www.gbgm-umc.org/northeastneb/